Business premises
Premises of former sugar refinery are situated on the edge of a small town Toušeň when entering from Prague or Brandýs nad Labem direction. A helpful point of orientation is a tall smokestack with red and white striped top.
GPS coordinates:
Loc: 50°10'21.32"N,14°42'8.51"E
Contact us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or ideas.
Contacts information
Registered office:
1.Tousenska s.r.o. Resetovska 855
193 00 Praha 9 Czech Republic
Reg No: 25789066
VAT: CZ25789066
Company is registered at the City court of Prague, under mark C70378, file number 57186/99
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another sites of our company
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In the premises of 1.Toušeňská s.r.o. there is a film studio where many movies and commercials have been shot