Business premises

Premises of former sugar refinery are situated on the edge of a small town Toušeň when entering from Prague or Brandýs nad Labem direction. A helpful point of orientation is a tall smokestack with red and white striped top.

GPS coordinates:

Loc: 50°10'21.32"N,14°42'8.51"E

Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or ideas.

Contacts information

1. Tousenska s.r.o.
Hlavni 91
Lazne Tousen
250 89
Česká republika
Company ID
Taxes ID

Registered office:

1.Tousenska s.r.o.                                    Resetovska 855
193 00  Praha 9                                     Czech Republic

Reg No: 25789066
VAT:      CZ25789066

Company is registered at the City court of Prague, under mark C70378, file number 57186/99

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In the premises of 1.Toušeňská s.r.o. there is a film studio where many movies and commercials have been shot

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